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Classical dancer since the age of 7, dedicated her life to the Ballet, the Vaganova Method and the Classic Repertoire with great love and seriousness also worrying to study other dance styles like, Afro, American Tap , Modern Ballet, Flamenco, Folk dances of the World and many others.

Work in other countries helped to enrich her knowledge and so in one of her works, for a Broadway show she met Chinese Dancers and began her passion for Chinese Classical Dance.

That's how she decided to move to China and learn this 5.000 years old dance style.

During her career she had the need and privilege to use methods such as Martha Graham and Lester Horton that generated a mystique of techniques that led her to always use  

innovative methods for the physical conditioning of students, but knowing that technique is not everything. The dancer has to represent and, go far beyond that, love what they do and technique becomes invisible.

Currently her work is inspired by Bob Cooley's  Resistance Flexibility Training RFT  and Marie Walton-Mahon's Progressing Ballet Technique PBT.

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Recently dedicating her studies to the knowledge of the human body as a whole, and how to conquer the physical that every dancer seeks.  The study of the Fascia and how it works according to the mood and the 16 different personality types.  for this purpose, the group New era dancers was created with the objective of helping dancers through holistic therapies recognizing and treating the physical, mental, spiritual and energetic bodies, using both ancient and innovative techniques.  Join our secret group on facebook - New Era Dancers.


Going to china was one of the most amazing things I've ever done. Today when I remember that 11 years I spent there, I see that I can write a book. Studying Chinese dance was not that simple, but very enriching. The difficulty of understanding the name of a simple gesture and its meaning, because the word comes from a time of almost 5000 years ago. 9 teachers, 2 translators and one performer and so many people, coleagues, dancers.
Watch the video of the Ballet "Chun Qiu Xing" ("Spring and Autumn") Ballet Shadows Dance, Shadows Admire Beautiful And Not Immortal People!
Based on the experiences of the Chinese Festivals, in the joy and emotion of each one of them.
In this video, two of my teachers, YaNan and Ms.Xiang, who have always been very sympathetic in sharing the maximum information so that I could understand the History of China more deeply.Much love and dedication have been deposited in this Work!


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Treinamento em Ballet Clássico no Método Russo de Agripina Vaganova.

Treinamento de balé clássico no Método Cubano. Conhecimento RAD .

Treinamento em Dança Clássica Chinesa e Dança Folclórica da China,

Treinamento de técnica de balé progressivo, treinamento de BalletPilates,

Grande experiência em montagens completas de balés de repertório,

Longa experiência em aprendizagem e coreografia

Terapeuta em EFT para adultos, adolescentes e crianças, CBT, PNL, Psicologia Positiva e Mindfulness.

Especialista em fitness, incluindo aconselhamento de dieta. Treinamento de acupressão e Qigong.


Desenhando e pintando
Cortando e costurando fantasias
Desenho e Montagem de Cenários

Terapeuta Holística




2007 - Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village-Taiwan
2007 a 2008 - DanzCentre Performing Company-China
2004 a 2007 - Broadway - Feld Entertainment Inc. Flórida- EUA

2003 - Casinos Fiesta - Cidade do Panamá
2001 a 2002 - Crux Hall- Hiroshima- Japão
2000 - Cia. De Baile Flamenco Luna de Rocio

1999 a 2000 - Ballet Ismael Guiser - São Paulo SP

1996 à1998 - Camera Ballet de Barra Mansa RJ

1994 - Espaço de dança Barra do Piraí RJ
1987 à1990 - Corpo do Teatro GACEMSS RJ


Atualmente 2018 - Saltare Centro de Dança - Joinville SC Brasil

2012 a 2014 - Tianjin Vocational College of Radio, Film & Television - Tianjin - China
2008 a 2013 - The Family Learning House - China

2008 a 2013 - DayStar Academy - China
2007 à 2008 - Escola de Artes Cênicas DanzCentre Pequim / China

1998 a 2000 - Escola de Ballet Ismael Guiser - SP - Brasil

1994 a 1996 - Balé de Câmara de Barra Mansa - RJ

1990 a 1997 - Nazareth Classical Ballet Academy -RJ



Português- língua materna

Chinês básico


repertório clássico

O Quebra-Nozes, O Cisne Moribundo, Carmen, Paquita, Don Quixote, Coppelia, La Bayadère, Giselle, Cinderela, Sonho de Uma Noite de Verão, Lago dos Cisnes, Etude e outros ...


Chicago, Sinfonia Aquática, Chorinho, O Romance do Bosque do Lótus, Apsara, Uma Noite Flamenca e outros ...


2017 Curso de Formação de Professores CDA Chinese Dance Association

Pré-escolar ao nível avançado

2015 a 2017 Dance Wudao - Hunan / China

Dança Clássica Chinesa com o Prof. Yan Nan

2007 a 2013 Beijing Dance University - China

Dança Clássica e Folclórica Chinesa

2000 Curso Avançado de Balé ENBC Escola Nacional de Balé Cubano

1998 a 2000 Ballet Paula Castro - São Paulo / SP

Curso Profissional de Ballet com Mercedes Beltran

1995 a 1998 Roger Almaguer - Barra Mansa / RJ

Dança clássica espanhola e flamenco

1994 a 1996. Barra do Piraí Espaço de Dança - RJ

Aulas de Ballet Clássico com Erika Porto

1988 a 1990- Studio de Dança Regina Sawer- Rio de Janeiro Martha Graham style, aulas de sapateado.

1986 à1990 Academia de Ballet Tatiana Leskova - RJ

Curso de Ballet e aulas particulares com D.Tatiana

1985 a 1990 Academia de Ballet Eugênia Feodorova - RJ

Curso Intermediário / Avançado de Ballet com D.Eugênia

1980 a 1985 Escola de Ballet Leda Iuqui - RJ

Curso Básico de Ballet Clássico - Professor:. Daniel Mendez


2020 - PNL, CBT,
2018 - PBT - Progredindo Técnica Ballet Certificação L 1
2018 - Certificação / Licença do BalletPilates
2010 - Resistência Flexibilidade - Estudar
Qigong, acupressão, EFT, atenção plena


A Sra. Marcia Delgado torna-se Membro Oficial do Conselho Internacional de Dança CID - UNESCO.
O CID é a organização guarda-chuva oficial para todas as formas de dança em todos os países do mundo.
Reúne as mais importantes organizações internacionais, nacionais e locais, bem como indivíduos selecionados que atuam na dança.
O CID coopera com governos nacionais e locais, organizações e instituições internacionais.
Seus membros são as federações, associações, escolas, empresas e indivíduos mais proeminentes em mais de 170 países.
O CID é parceiro oficial da UNESCO, a Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura.

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2017 - Finished her studies in Chinese Dance and Became an official Member of the CDA Dance Teacher

Academic chair 446 of the Academy of Arts, Sciences and Letters of Brazil.  

ACILBRAS was founded In Defense of Culture, Preserving the Customs, Traditions and Creations of Peoples, Disseminating Culture in All Its Strands Through Intellectuals.

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